Stats Corner – 9th Junior Women’s Hockey World Cup

Total Matches Played42
Total Goals Scored202
First Goal of the TournamentLuna Fokke (Netherlands) vs USA
First Drawn Game of the TournamentMalaysia Drew Wales 3-3
First Penalty Corner Goal of the TournamentLuna Fokke (Netherlands) vs USA
Winless Teams in the TournamentWales & Canada
Team Scoring Most Goals49 Goals Netherlands
First Penalty Stroke Goal of the TournamentMillie Giglio (England) vs South Africa
Team Conceding Most Goals32 Goals Zimbabwe
Number of Field Goals in the Tournament133
Most Individual Goals in a MatchJip Dicke (Netherlands) vs Zimbabwe
Biggest Win of the TournamentNetherlands Beating Zimbabwe 18-0
First Hat-trick of the TournamentLuna Fokke (Netherlands) vs USA
Number of Penalty Corner Goals in the Tournament33
Total Number of Cards Awarded in the Tournament104 (86 Green & 18 Yellow Cards)
Top Goal-Scorer of the Tournament13 Goals Jip Dicke (Netherlands)
Only Players to Score Two Hat-Tricks in the TourneyJip Dicke & Luna Fokke
Only Unbeaten Team in the TournamentNetherlands
Number of Hat-Tricks in the Tourney10 Luna Fokke (Netherlands) vs USA
Jip Dicke (Netherlands) vs Canada
Luna Fokke (Netherlands) vs Canada
Hope Rose (USA) vs Zimbabwe
Jip Dicke (Netherlands) vs Zimbabwe
Maria Steensma (Netherlands) vs Zimbabwe
Daiana Pacheco (Argentina) vs Austria
Aina Kresken (Germany) vs Malaysia
Mumtaz Khan (India) vs Malaysia
Verena Neumaan (Germany) vs England